Careers Information for Parents

The links below may be of use to you and your child in preparation for the decisions they have to make in the coming years.

The following websites provide a wealth of information for parents about the different stages and choices our students are faced with. There is also a parents’ toolkit available for career conversation which offers advice on how to have informed and constructive conversations about the options available to them:

For Careers Advice

The ‘Get the Jump’ Skills for Life content hub on the National Careers Service website has been designed to help young people to understand their post 16 and post 18 education and training choices.

Your child can also contact trained advisers for impartial advice at the National Careers Service on: 0800 100 900 (open from 8.00am to 10pm, seven days a week) – and they can use the web-chat service by accessing the website above.

For Apprenticeships

For Gap Years