Personal Development

At The Bulmershe School we recognise the personal development of students is a fundamental part of our academic and pastoral work. It is our intention to create good local, national and global citizens, who develop good character and resilience. To this end, we aim to develop students spiritually, morally, socially and culturally and ensure that they are treated as individuals whilst doing this.  We aim to teach students about British values including Democracy, Rule of Law, Mutual Respect and Tolerance, Individual Liberty.

Our Personal Development programme is developed so that the school:
- consistently goes ‘the extra mile’ to promote the personal development of pupils, so that they have access to a rich set of experiences. 
- The school provides these rich experiences in a coherently planned way, in the curriculum and through extra-curricular activities, and they considerably strengthen the school’s offer.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

Development of Character at Bulmershe

Core guiding principles of our Personal Development Plan is based around embedding our four core values in our school ethos

  • Responsibility
  • Respect
  • Resilience
  • Health and Safety



Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

Year 12

Year 13

Tutor Time

(30 minutes)

Tutor time is the bed rock of our Personal Development (PD) programme which is delivered by the child's tutor who know the students best to offer a personalised approach. Within the wider tutor programme there is a school focus of developing literacy through Drop Everything and Listen (DEAL), reading world issues and literacy tasks within the PD booklets. We believe in the importance of the role of the tutor in helping develop character and preparing our students with the skills to be successful in modern Britain.

 Personal Development LTP

Personal Development LTP Catch Up

Tutor Time Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement

Tutor Time Programme

Tutor time


Tutor time consists of four areas covering: PD, DEAL, Reading World Issues and Assembly.

We have specialist sessions to cover topics more in depth through drop down events such as mindfulness, consent, substances and contraception.

Tutor time consists of five sessions covering: PD, Careers, assembly and 2x independent study.


Assembly rota is dynamic throughout the year and addresses both National and Community events alongside areas to address in relation to specific year group needs.

Assemblies are scheduled to include British Values, Citizenship, Careers, student voice feedback, National focused events and school values.


See our Careers pages for all the information and guidance we offer

Raising Aspirations

Drop down events and trips across all year groups specifically to raise the aspirations of our students. Disadvantaged children our prioritised for these events.

Outdoor Education and Character Building

We believe in the importance of outdoor education throughout secondary schooling. We believe it builds characteristics such as resilience, leadership and respect and think that it also can help students to develop healthy mentally.

We offer whole school trips such as the Ski trip which runs every two years and is open to all year groups.

School Camp every summer with Bushcraft Company.


Duke of Edinburgh Bronze is included as part of the curriculum


NCS – As a school we have a high take up of students involved.

Duke of Edinburgh Silver is included as an optional part of the curriculum. 

2024 - 2025 - DofE Gold will be offered for those who successfully completed Silver in year 10. 


Help, support and advice for all year groups. Specialised work with groups and individuals which help prepare them for life in modern Britain.

Read more about SIGNAL

Student voice

Run by the sixth form to create a system for students to have their voice heard. Each tutor group has a representative who meets with their year group council. The sixth formers feed back to leadership and assemblies feeding back to all students are held each half term

Student Council

Extracurricular Activities

We run an eclectic programme of extracurricular activities at lunchtime and afterschool which are attended well by students. Some of our Sport, Music and Drama clubs are performing at the highest level including national representation. 

Extracurricular Programme


Throughout the year there is a broad range of trips for every year group which are attended by a diverse student population. There are different types of trips such as Curriculum, Extracurricular, Rewards and Raising Aspirations.


Drop Down Events

Throughout the year we have a varied programme of drop-down events to cover specific PD content such as consent, alcohol and raising aspirations delivered by outside groups


PD/ SMSC across the curriculum

We believe PD should be delivered across the curriculum and that opportunities to teach PD topics must be taken within subjects. This is planned into Schemes of Work for every subject. Please view subject information pages.

Mental Health Champions

Two members of staff are mental health champions who look at how we deliver mental health across the curriculum and within the personal development programme highlighting student wellbeing and the importance of mental health awareness via mental health week in May. Please view here



Personal Development Date  
RSE Secondary School Guide For Parents 05th May 2022 Download