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- Year 5 Drama Club 'In The Limelight'
Year 5 Drama Club 'In The Limelight'
Over the first spring half term, Year 5 students from across the local area were lucky enough to be invited to come and work with the school’s drama department, resulting in them all creating incredible performances.
We have run a number of workshops that have challenged students to build on their improvisation skills. Each workshop had a particular focus to ensure that students were able to sample a vast array of skills that are required for Drama.
From the first week, students were able to experiment with ways to effectively build characters and how we use status to build contrasting roles. From there, we moved onto introducing non-naturalistic theatre techniques such as narration to support the storytelling. Developing on from here, we then took the next step to focus on movement to establish caricatures and build comedy into our work.
The workshops would not have been so successful without the support of the Year 7 students who worked alongside the Year 5 students who came. I would like to thank Aseem and Berk for their brilliant assistance over the course.
Lastly, I would like to thank the parents that supported with the smooth running of the workshops and I look forward to working with you all in the future.
Mr M Hood
Drama lead and Transition Co-Ordinator